Richard Parker is the Head of building surveying for Vivodefence Services Ltd, a company that provides maintenance and facilities management services for the Armed Forces. He leads the pre-delivery team who do all the scoping and producing of the tender documents for the capital projects for his company.
Vivodefence is based in Newcastle Upon Tyne and their purpose is to modernise the lived experience for the Armed Forces to 'achieve, grow and thrive'. They bring a strong understanding and awareness of the military's ethos, culture, operational practices, and structures to form an organisation that will collaborate with various partners, clients, and service users to achieve their objectives. Richard mainly uses OS MasterMap® in PDF format to create block plans for the company's projects.
‘For each project, I could be working on any number of houses so I am using the manual tool to manually outline the properties we are working on. We need to produce various block plans. I can create larger-sized block plans which can be created through MapServe®'s website.’
How I use MapServe®?
‘I use MapServe® all the time for planning applications. The projects that we work on are not for individual properties. I create and redline plans that can include 50-60 properties each time. ’
Why MapServe®
‘I found it the most user-friendly out of the ones that were available after trying half a dozen different platforms.’